3C-Our-Commitment_Community Approach


We Care, We Share & We Devote!

Our Management apprehends that a business is not just about making profits but equally imperative is the way of attainment. In view of this guiding philosophy, corporate social responsibility forms an integral part of our approach in doing business whereby our communities are built, developed and strengthened through our philanthropy and volunteerism.


We take a holistic approach by engaging our staff to plan and participate in our various corporate social responsible programmes which are actively supported by our top management in reaching out to those we help and develop the culture of “it’s a blessing to be a blessing to others”.  We are grateful that as an organization collectively and each staff individually, we can make a small difference to the under-privileged and society.

3C Our Commitment Community Overview


Community Engagement 
We engage our staff and stakeholders in a wide variety of meaningful Community Engagement activities. Our Photo Album is an organized collection of high resolution photos depicting all our activities.

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